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信息编号:2009791224 房旅信息网 www.fogolu.com 上传时间:  2022-01-04 广州房旅网



The school guides the main body(the main body is our students),settled in the rural practice base,voluntary service,rural science,technology,culture and health.


However,there are many problems because the practice planning is not scientific enough,the practice participants or are not active enough,the practice base is not stable enough,the management mechanism is not perfect,and the actual effect is not obvious.


At the same time,make the students more firm in the theory of materialist dialectics,unswervingly follow the party,take the task of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and actively advance the great practice.


Make the students consciously take the development requirements of advanced productive forces as the goal of success,guide the students to consciously accept the nurturing of advanced culture,and take serving the people as the fundamental purpose.


College Students'social practice is an important way for young people to recognize the national conditions,open their eyes to society and integrate theory with practice.It can further correct their life attitude and strengthen the service consciousness of college students;


Let young people take the initiative to adapt to the society,clarify their own development prospects and form a sound personality;Face the psychological weakness,solve it and overcome it;Cultivate a sense of truth-seeking and truth-seeking and enhance the spirit of cooperation.


In particular,the three aspects of science and technology,culture and health in the"three going to the countryside"activity play an important role in the realization of moral education.Students with higher education enter the countryside to promote the development of science and technology,culture and health in the countryside.


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上传时间:  2022-01-04



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