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房旅会员   发表于 2022-04-28 11:18:50  查看:21  回复: 0 楼主
2022-05-02 14:56:03
This data collection is based on the culture and art of scenic spots, refined from nature, expressed in high-tech ways through secondary creation, full of imagination and creativity, and shows the sense of power and mystery of the culture and art of scenic spots. When the data collection is integrated with culture and tourism, a picture, a song, a mascot design, and even a avatar picture can become the main medium of load-bearing good memory. In the future, customers can also choose the data collection decoration and design their own website spatial digital collection SaaS platform. In this case, it can more efficiently help business owners develop some of their own digital collection platforms. The person in charge of Yuanhua digital collection said that our digital collection SaaS platform is only one in the country and even the world. Under the same conditions, we can build the platform more quickly, and we have been optimizing the functional modules, and there will be more functional design iterations.


 来源:广东省房旅 www.fogolu.com | 提供者:Ruanjiankaifa5 | 我要宣传信息:加入收藏夹
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